BGVB Car Loan The existing guideline does not have provision of Reimbursement of cost of New Car. In addition to other eligibility criterion, the existing guideline has the stipulation that the prospective customer / guarantor should have KYC complied accounts (SB/CD/TD) with the Branch with minimum average deposit of Rs.20000.00 for the last 2 years and no walk in customer should be allowed loan for the purpose, making the scheme less attractive. The stipulation has reduced the prospect of marketing of the scheme. With a view to give uniformity in the scheme, it is felt pertinent to waive such stipulation and make the scheme more flexible in terms of bringing in more customers under the ambit of the scheme, in line with what is prevailing in our sponsor bank i.e. Punjab National Bank. PURPOSE: New Car Old car older than threeyears. ReimbursementofcostofNewCar (Not more than 3 monthsold) INCOME: Minimum net monthly salary / pension/ income – ₹25000.00 QUANTUM: Any admissible amount. TENURE: 84 months RATE OF INTEREST: Rate of interest: 8.60% p.a. onwards as per CIC score. (Linked with Bank’s half yearly MCLR) MARGIN: New – 15% Old – 25% Reimbursement – 25% PENAL CHARGE: 2% on the amount of default. PREPAYMENT CHARGES: 2% of the outstanding balance to be pre-paid, if the loan is shifted to other Bank/Financial Institution. FORM 16 & ITR REQUIREMENT: Form 16/ ITR for the last two years. Where 2 years ITRs/Form 16 is not available on account of lesser service period: 12 months salary slip with bank statement. GUARANTEE: Gross Monthly salary/ pension/income Remarks Less than ₹50000.00 Personal guarantee of one person (other than spouse) acceptable to the bank having worth of 125% of the loan amount shall be required. ₹50000.00 or above No guarantee required Permanent employees of Central Govt./ State Govt./ PSBs/MNCs/ Listed companies of BSE or NSE whose shares are actively traded. No guarantee required CERSAI: Registration with VAHAN Portal has replaced the requirement of CERSAI Registration and SARFAESI 2002, ACT is enforceable