BGVB Personal Loan

A substantial portion of BGVB Personal Loan clientele is the Primary and High School Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs drawing salary from our BGVB branches. Beside this, the BGVB Personal Loan is also extended to Sishu Sikhsha Kendra (SSK), Madhyamik Sikhsha Kendra (MSK) and Para Teachers and Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) engaged by the Govt of West Bengal. In the meanwhile, on implementation of Pay Commission the employees working in State Govt., Central Govt. and PSUs and also teachers of schools, colleges and universities are now drawing higher salary structure.


Providing loans to the salaried and professional and self-employed persons to meet their personal expenses which are temporary in nature arising out of domestic and social requirements like marriage, social ceremonies, tour, medical treatment or any other purpose except hoarding and speculative activities.

Eligibility: (In case of salaried persons)
Eligibility: (In case of Professional & Self employed)
Quantum of Loan: (In case of salaried persons)
Quantum of Loan: (In case of Professional & Self Employed Persons)
Rate of Interest
Sanctioning Authority
Security for loans in case of salaried as well as professional/self-employed persons
Service Charges / Processing Fees
Target Group
Period of Loan
The prospective borrowers under the scheme shall submit their request in the following formats

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