Bangiya Mahajan Mukti Yojana

  • Debt Swapping Scheme aims at providing adequate and timely credit as a debt refinance product towards indebted amount from non institutional sources like money lenders, fertilizer and farm input dealers etc. to the Small and Marginal Farmers, Agricultural Labourers, SHGs engaged in agricultural activities. It may be taken note of that Marginal farmers are those who own land not exceeding 2.50 acre of irrigated land and Small farmer are those who own land not exceeding 5acres of land. The objective is to mitigate the acute distress of the indebted farmers to enable them to redeem their outstanding dues to such lenders so that they become free of the debt burden with exorbitant interest rate.
  • The scheme will enable our branches to extend finance to farmers for paying off non-institutional loans and also to meet their production needs.
Area of Operation:
Quantum of Loan:
Method of assessment:
Nature of Loan Account:
Rate of Interest:
Processing/supervision charges:
Sanctioning Authority: